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Blog: Blog2

Anything is possible with God. I knew that already but when this happened it made me believe even more! You see I was mocked by many because before Joshua was conceived I experienced four miscarriages. Some said why do you keep doing that to your body, I was thinking; my God is a healer. Others said aren’t you too old (46), I was thinking; do they read the Bible? To be honest I got so much flack from people I began to doubt God myself. Then THAT girl rose up in me and said, “speak the Word over yourself!” And I did, every one I could think of to keep me encouraged and the enemy defeated. I am that girl who literally pushed her way through! Joshua I’m so blessed to be called your mother.


I am THAT girl. You know that girl who struggles with her identity at times but knows who her Father is. Or maybe that girl who knows what it’s like to look for change in the cracks of the seats in the car. Or maybe just maybe the girl who knows what it’s like to be told that you’re just a dreamer but still dreams. I am that girl who almost gave up on life while carrying a life BUT we’re both still here. Maybe I’m that girl they talk about with five children and four fathers. Maybe just maybe I am that girl that repented and is forgiven. I am that girl who was blind but now sees. I am that girl who is grateful and blessed. I am THAT girl!!!


Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Most of us have heard that ALL you have to do is admit you are a sinner, believe that Christ died and rose for your sins, be willing to confess that and you shall be saved. That’s the truth. Period. When that takes place a shift happens; a change or transfer from one place, position or direction. You are instantly changed from one state into another…spiritually. You are now headed into a totally new direction. After you shift, you are SINGLED OUT and transformed into a new creation. The shifting is simple, but the transformation takes courage. Transformation is not instant, it takes time. You will constantly be in transformation mode until you reach your final resting place and be made perfect. Ezra 10:4 says in the Amplified…Arise, for it is your duty, and we are with you. Be strong and do it. The New American Standard puts it this way…Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act. You are rising up to do what God has SINGLED you OUT to do. For that matter “is” your responsibility; your duty and you must be courageous and act on it! I am cheering you on, encouraging you to be bold and courageous because your Heavenly Father is there with you too in every step, every decision and in every situation. Transformation is a must after your shift has taken place. Don’t just shift….shift and do!

**This blog is from my Wordpress site

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